Our declaration is rooted in the reality of the international science base and in the knowledge that our profession (IEMA members) can make a pivotal contribution towards the rapid transitions now required.
Science has increasingly been referenced in recent awareness, citizen campaigns and unique inter-generational action. The scientific underpinning is extensive, with two seminal international reports, one on climate change and another on our relationship with nature.
- IPCC: The IPCC (2018) special report* highlights the dramatic difference in reduced climate impacts, between a world warmed by 1.5°C rather than 2°C (the latter scenario often over-simplified as being the ‘Paris target’).
- IPBES: In May 2019, a further respected international report (IPBES) indicated that goals for conserving and sustainably using nature cannot be met by current trajectories. Along with the IPCC report, this assessment helps to evidence the wider crisis in biodiversity and nature.
IEMA’s declaration reflects this evidence and is addressing both a climate and an environmental emergency.