
In 2004, the Society for the Environment was granted a Royal Charter to award Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) status to dedicated and experienced environmental professionals. Today, there are over 7,500 Chartered Environmentalists, drawn from a range of diverse fields such as engineering, forestry, waste management and many more.

For environmental professionals independent of discipline, Chartership reflects a high level of skill and experience, setting Chartered Environmentalists apart from others working in their field. It enhances career prospects through establishing proven expertise, experience and commitment to professional standards.

In the UK and across the world, Chartered Environmentalists utilise their specific expertise to lead departments, advise governments and work hands-on as practitioners. IEMA works closely with and is licensed by the Society, and registers more CEnvs than any other body on an annual basis.

Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv)

Do you have a wealth of experience in an environment or sustainability role, resolving complex sustainability issues, and driving change and transformation? Independent of discipline, Chartership reflects a high level of skill and experience, setting Chartered Environmentalists apart from others working in their field. It enhances career prospects and aligns with IEMA’s Full and Fellow level memberships.

Registered Environmental Practitioner (REnvP)

The Registered Environmental Practitioner (REnvP) designation is an accreditation which recognises the level of professional practice of people operating within the environmental sector, aligning with IEMA’s Practitioner level membership. It signifies a standard of environmental expertise, practice and skills held by professionals spanning the breadth of academia, government, industry, consultancy and other public and private sectors.

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