The Introduction to Waste Management course provides an overview of key waste legislation and how to keep up to date with new and changing requirements. Delegates will learn to identify what action they can take to maintain compliance in their organisations, and where to find further information.
Key topics include:
- Benefits of compliant waste management
- Waste hierarchy and how it applies in practice
- Mechanisms for determining legal requirements relating to waste and how to access further information
- Key UK legislation and the key issues in relation to the definition of waste
- Environmental permits and waste exemptions: when they may be required and signposting of the process for application
- Duty of Care, the role of the producer and practical actions for compliance
- Overview of the Hazardous Waste Regulations
- Compliance considerations when organising and managing waste contracts
On completion of the course, delegates will have a good understanding of key waste management legislation and practical ways that they can maintain compliance in their organisations. They will be able to help safeguard their organisations against regulator action and environmental crime and positively contribute to their organisation’s environmental management system certification.
Delegates will be able to:
- Explain the benefits of compliant waste management
- Describe the waste hierarchy and how it applies in practice
- Outline mechanisms for determining legal requirements relating to waste and how to access further information
- List key UK legislation and the key issues in relation to the definition of waste
- Recognise when an environmental permit or a registered exemption may be required and the process for application
- Explain the importance of Duty of Care, the role of the producer and practical actions for compliance
- Outline the key requirements of the hazardous waste regulations including the completion of consignment notes
- List key compliance considerations when organising and managing waste contracts
The course is aimed at managers /supervisors who have responsibility for managing waste in their organisation. It is suitable for anyone who is new to operational management of waste or those that require a refresher. The course would also benefit those who have responsibility for implementing an Environmental Management System and need to gain an understanding of waste legislation and controls.