
We are in a Climate and Environmental Emergency that is increasing in severity with each passing day. In order to pursue the 1.5-degree Celsius global warming target and commitments in the Paris Climate Agreement, global carbon emissions must reach net zero by 2050 and with reductions needed at pace (this decade). Recognising this urgent need for action, the UK Government has committed to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to Net Zero by 2050.

Action is required at all levels for us to meet this target, from Government through to the individual. On this dedicated page, you will find training courses, free insights and guidance on Net Zero, and case studies of IEMA member's work to inspire you.

Training courses

Introduction to Net Zero

All jobs require green skills if we are to effectively transition our economy. This two-hour course is designed for all professionals, in any discipline, and will give a succinct overview of what Net Zero means as a response to the climate crisis and how it can be delivered within organisations. Upskill yourself today!

Pathways to Net Zero

Designed for those responsible for decarbonisation or people supporting Net Zero strategies, this two-day course gives clear, consistent guidance on best practice and provides supervisors and leaders with a strategic and operational overview of environmental sustainability. This course expands on the detail provided in the free Pathways to Net Zero download below.

Case studies

IEMA has been in touch with members to find out about the work being done since the Paris Agreement targets were set. This will continue to be updated as we compile all the innovative and inspiring work being carried out by members within the sector.



Pathways to Net Zero

This IEMA Net-Zero briefing paper, updates IEMA’s widely used GHG Management Hierarchy, with additional guidance considerations and planning diagrams. The Hierarchy focus on optimum carbon reductions remains, but it is recognised that the climate emergency now requires an escalation of action across all fronts. Approaches, information sources and principles for practice are outlined, all informed by direct practice review following workshops with IEMA members and a survey of IEMA Climate Change professionals in November 2019. The paper also references a number of current net-zero developments such as, developing standards by ISO and WRI and the recently published ‘Oxford offsetting principles’. The new briefing and Hierarchy updates are available now - supporting net-zero transition planning.


Climate Change and Energy - Useful Resources - March 2020


A user guide to climate-related financial disclosures - July 2020


Driving Climate Actions through Environmental Management Systems


Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Evaluating their Significance


Change Management for Sustainable Development - December 2017


The Value of Collaboration for Corporate Sustainability Outcomes - Fellows Working Group Thought-piece - December 2020

Transitioning IEMA

IEMA is committed to addressing the climate and environmental emergency, we have therefore committed to two pledges:

  1. Climate Neutral Now
  2. Pledge to Net Zero (registered with Race to Zero)

We have set a Science Based carbon reduction Target for 2030 to significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in line with the higher ambition scenario for limiting global average temperature increases to 1.5C. As a separate contribution, we have also purchased carbon offsets in line with the UNFCCC scheme Climate Neutral Now. Find out more about our approaches and targets here.


Join IEMA today

Become an individual member of IEMA for support, recognition, networking and extra resources.

Corporate Partnerships have been designed to provide the support, skills and resources needed for your whole team to create measurable sustainability impact in your workplace.