UK environmental policy digest - August

Asim Ali, IEMA’s Senior Public Affairs Officer, examines the UK Government's policy announcements from August and how they affect the goals of decarbonisation and environmental sustainability. This blog post is part of a monthly series that also reflects on the activity of relevant select committees and all-party parliamentary groups.

Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Enhancing Customer Protections in Water and Sewerage Services

The government is currently seeking public feedback on proposed changes to the Guaranteed Standards Scheme (GSS) that outlines the minimum standards of service customers should expect from water and sewerage companies. This consultation aims to strengthen baseline customer service standards and enhance protection for all customers in the water and sewerage sector.

The consultation will be open until October 7th 2024.

Government Announces Doubling of Compensation for Poor Water Service

In a related announcement, the government has introduced a new consultation aimed at doubling the compensation water companies must pay when basic services fail. This is part of a broader initiative to hold water companies accountable and ensure higher standards of customer service.

Supporting Farmers: New Measures to Boost Confidence and Stability

The government has also committed to a new deal for farmers to address ongoing concerns about low confidence and economic stability within the farming sector. Recent figures indicate that confidence among farmers is notably low, with a significant portion contemplating reducing their operations or exiting farming altogether within the next few years.

Sustainable Farming Incentive Agreements Begin for 2024

In an effort to further support the farming sector, the first Sustainable Farming Incentive agreements for 2024 have been launched as part of the government's commitment to a controlled rollout of this scheme.

Department of Energy Security and Net Zero

Seeking Guidance on the UK’s 2035 Emission Targets

Ed Miliband, the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, has reached out to the Climate Change Committee for advice on the UK’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for 2035. NDCs are critical emission reduction targets that all signatories to the Paris Agreement must set and communicate ahead of the relevant Conference of the Parties (COP).

New Environmental Guidance for the Oil and Gas Industry

The UK government has announced plans to introduce new environmental guidance for the oil and gas sector, aiming to ensure stability as the North Sea transitions towards a cleaner energy future.

Decarbonising the Power Sector by 2030

In a joint letter, the Secretary of State for Energy and Net Zero, along with Chris Stark, have requested advice from Fintan Slye, Director of the Electricity System Operator, on decarbonising the UK’s power sector by 2030. This request includes expert analysis on the infrastructure and investment needed to achieve a clean power system within the next decade.

Digitalising the Energy System for a Net-Zero Future

The government has published its response to the digital spine feasibility study, which explores ways to improve energy system data sharing as a means to support the decarbonisation of the power sector by 2030.

Select Committees

Due to the ongoing summer recess and the recent General Election, the process of re-establishing Committees is currently underway.


Environment APPG

The Environment APPG has elected Alistair Strathern MP as their Chair. Rebecca Smith MP, Wera Hobhouse MP and Adrian Ramsay MP have been appointed as Vice Chairs.

Net Zero APPG

The Net Zero APPG has re-elected Alex Sobel MP as their Chair. Lord Callanan, Wera Hobhouse MP, and Dr. Simon Opher MP have been appointed as Vice Chairs.

In an article for the House Magazine titled "Accelerating Net-Zero by 2050 or Sooner?" Chair Alex Sobel MP shares his insights on developing a long-term strategy for a low-carbon economy in the UK.

Climate APPG

The Climate APPG has elected Luke Murphy MP as their Chair. Carla Denyer MP, Pippa Heylings MP, and Lord Goldsmith of Richmond Park have been appointed Vice Chairs.


Published by:

Asim Ali AIEMA

Senior Public Affairs Officer

Asim joined IEMA in May 2022 as a Senior Public Affairs Officer. Prior to joining IEMA, Asim worked in a variety of roles for three Members of Parliament and interned for the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. He also holds an MA in Human Rights, Globalisation & Justice

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