
Editorial commitment

To position TRANSFORM magazine print and digital at the forefront of environmental discussion and debate. We aim to incorporate a wide range of content and commentary across a broad range of specialisms, levels of expertise, and geographic locations. We welcome new ideas and suggestions from members and non-members, which are considered on merit and topicality.

Editorial contacts

Sharon Maguire, Editor


Chris Seekings, Deputy Editor



Further information & general enquiries

If you would like to contribute to TRANSFORM, the following documents will help you plan your proposal.


Important information for all contributors - please read carefully

By submitting content for publication, you confirm that:

1. You and/or other named contributors are the sole author(s) of the content submitted

2. The content you submit is original and has not previously been published (unless you advise us to the contrary)

3. You have appropriately attributed all sources

4. As far as you are aware, the content submitted will not infringe any third-party rights, be defamatory or in any way illegal

5. You can confirm that your employment/organisation, such as senior management or communications team have seen and have approved of your content. This must be done prior to submission.

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