What if someone complains about my conduct?

When someone makes a complaint about your conduct to us, the IEMA Professional Standards team will review the complaint to see whether it is within the scope of IEMA’s Disciplinary Procedure. We look to see if it is a legitimate complaint that needs further investigation. If it isn’t then the complaint will be dismissed and no further action taken.

If the complaint needs to be investigated, we will contact you and provide details of the complaint, and ask you to provide your account of what happened and provide any supporting evidence. If the investigation determines that there is a case to answer, we will then organise a disciplinary hearing. The purpose of which is to enable a Disciplinary Panel to establish the facts of the complaint. You will be invited to the hearing to make your case. The Panel will then deliberate in private to reach a decision on whether, on the balance of probabilities, misconduct has occurred.

If the Panel decides misconduct has taken place, you will have a further opportunity to present a statement of mitigation before they determine what sanction to enforce. See the Disciplinary Procedure for more information.

You will have the opportunity to appeal any decision that is made. See the Disciplinary Procedure for more information.


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